Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Cleopatra, was born the 69 b.C. and she died the 30 b.C. she started reigning with seventeen years old with her brother Ptolemy, she married him. (was not strange because they conserve the royal blood)
The Queen wanted to govern alone and to take the power from his brother, this supposed a serious clash with the supporters of his brother- husband. She goes to exile in Syria.
Julius Caesar, intervened in the conflict to arrange the situation between brothers. Cleopatra is attracted by Julius Caesar and she tries to conquer him being wrapped in a carpet and offering as gift. Julius Caesar unrolls the carpet and see the Egyptian queen and falls in love. they will have a son called Caesarion.
When Cleopatra’s brother died and she was an absolute queen of Egypt. When Julius Caesar died, Cleopatra met Mark Antony and started relationship whit him. They lived through his love painfully because Octavius’ troops came to Alexandria and provoked the death of both. The queen committed suicide.
In my opinion Cleopatra is a powerful woman oh his period. In the past a woman could not reign alone. Cleopatra achieved to dominate a country without the presence of a man.
We can say that her power comes her from wit, insight and his beauty. She started a relationship with two very important men. She was converted in empress of Rome. With her insight she attained to be absolute queen of Egypt.
Thaïs Call 2L
Tuesday, 5 October 2010

He was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, intellectual, guerrilla leader, diplomat, military theorist, and major figure of the Cuban Revolution.
He represents the fight against the social injustices or the rebellion and an incorruptible spirit. On the other hand, for his detractors was been a murderous and a criminal.
The ideas of Che are known as a “Guevarism”. His thought is related with the anti-imperialism, the Marxism, and the communism as a base. His objective is create a socialist society with own identity.
His greatest achievements are the triumphantly Cuban Revolution and the liberation struggles of the African peoples.
Between 1965 and 1967 he fights in the Congo and Bolivia. In Bolivia he was captured and executed clandestinely the 9th October of 1967.
John Lennon

John Winston Lennon was born the 9th October 1940 at
I choice John Lennon like a genius because I like his music and his ideas and because he removed masses and consciences. Also, I think that a figure who stills latent today after thirty years later of his death is not nobody. Finally if furthermore if all the people look beyond his name and they try to understand his words and message he could change the world.
Happy Xmas (war is over):
Núria M. Montes 2nL
Jim Morrison

I choose this character because I think Jim Morrison and The Doors change completely the music of the sixties in America. Also I think that Jim Morrison was a very particular and a little strange person for a lot of people but also a reference and a genius for the other people because he makes a lot of contributions in the world of the music but also in the world of the poetry.
David Copperfield

David Copperfield was born in New Jersey in 1956,he is an example of genius because he is the biggest magician of all the times. Constantly he schemes, he surprises, he entertains and he fascinates people. He began his professional career when he was 12 years old. He was the younger person admitted in “Magicians American company”. When he was 16 years old, he was already a teacher of magic in the University of New York and he silenced the assistants to Broadway's theatre with his favorite test: the "Disappearance". But he was not late in signing his first contracts in television. He founded the Magic Project in 1982 about a program of rehabilitation to help physically handicapped patients, whose program is in use in more than 1000 hospitals. His more famous tricks include making disappear the Statue of the Freedom. Also, Copperfield has pulled off some amazing stunts over the years, including levitating across the Grand Canyon and walking through the Great Wall of China.
We consider David Copperfield to be the best magician of the world, because he realized and elaborated magic tricks and he keep the attention to the spectators. Moreover, his tricks are unique and unrepeatable. It’s impressive that a child has surprised the people with his tricks and he has been considered a genius. We believe that he has a good experience and a capacity to create new tricks. There are unimaginable tricks, as for example, to make disappear the statue of liberty.
He guided to unsuspected heights of art and imagination neither that the magicians or the spectators not imagined in the past. So that, we think that David Copperfield has given a new meaning to the word magic.
All that, he can see reflected in the quantity of awards that he has received, as for example: one star in the walk of the reputation of Hollywood between others. But, also, not leave anybody indifferent!
Jenny Ibáñez - Sofia Ruedas 2n Lingüístic
Ray Charles, the genius!

Ray Charles Robinson, born in Albany Georgia, september 23 1930 and dead June 10 2004was a singer and pianist, soul, R & B, gospel, blues and jazz was born in Georgia and blind since childhood. Is a famous singer.
I think he's a genius by his singing and his voice. I also think that is a genius and I admire your music, all styles that you have sung. I also find it has much merit since it has forged a legend being blind. There is a movie that dramatizes his life and got two oscars.
Adam Laghzaoui Galicia
God save the queen.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Steven Jobs

In the late 1970s, Jobs, with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Mike Markkula, and others, designed, developed, and marketed one of the first commercially successful lines of personal computers, the Apple II series. In the early 1980s, Jobs was among the first to see the commercial potential of the mouse-driven graphical user interface which led to the creation of the Macintosh.
I chose Steven Jobs because I think he has revolutionized the electronically industry and the computers’ image too. He helped to build the future computer’s industry and was one of the firsts to developed computer’s movies. He’s working again with Machintosh Inc. and I really think what he did whit Pixar and Apple it will be very important in the future on this industry.
Antoni Gaudí

Gaudi was born the 15 June 1852 in Reus; it was a Spanish architect and the best representative artist of the Catalan’s modernism.
His most outstanding qualities are the incredible sense for volume and geometry, and his talent for imagine and create new things never seen before, like his famous technique “el trencadís”. But, the most impressive of Gaudi, is his memory and imagination that allowed him to think and make his projects without needing to do a plan.
It was firstly influenced by the neo-gothic art, but finally Gaudi enters on the modernism and becomes a prestige architect hired by the richest on Barcelona. It’s here, in the capital city of Catalonia, where he builds his most important and relevant projects like: La Pedrera, El Parc Güell, or Casa Batlló.
Like most geniuses, his death was also particularly. The 7 June, in the morning, when he went to the church, like every day, he was hit by a tram. For his dirty aspect, no one recognized him, and no one help him, only a vagabond that helped by the police, takes a taxi to take Gaudi from the hospital. 3 days later, the 10 June 1926, Antoni Gaudi dies in Barcelona.
I consider Gaudi like a genius because of all his projects makes in Barcelona, and around Catalonia. All of theirs are spectacularly different from the others things build before, and after him. Gaudi has the capacity to imagine estrange things and make it real without use plans, having all the information in his mind and also improvising at the same moment that the work is been done.
It’s still trying to finish the Sagrada Familia, one of his most important works, which he left unfinished when he death. The difficulty for finish this work, is a clear example of Gaudi’s prodigious mind, because he thought to finish it without planes, in a short period of time.
Judith Lopez. 2n L.
Friday, 1 October 2010
Jim Carrey-Karate instructor and Mr. Bean-having an exam
In the second video Mr.Bean have an exam. When given the exam Mr. Bean has not idea and try to copy their partner and in the last two minutes to the exam Mr. Bean watch in their envelope and in this envelope have a different exam and start this exam very fast.
And we choose de video of Mr.Bean because is the best comic actor.
Pedro Freitas & Dani Marquez
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Johnny Depp Doesn't Watch His Movies
Everybody laughs when Letterman asks: "I'm curious...Actually, aren't you curious about how the work looks what you're doing?" And Depp immediately answers :"No."
The scene is hilarious because Letterman doesn't know what to do but laugh.
Sergi Cunill
Summaries of Gerard and Eric
A blonde girl asks to librarian to give it a burger and a milkshake, but she is a librarian, she can’t give it to her. Then, the blonde girl repeats the order but more soft.
Summary 2: Mr Bean having an exam (no subtitled).
Mr Bean goes to an exam. At the beginning he was sure of him because he knows the trigonometry, but no the statistic. He don’t know the question of statistic and he try to copy the man of his right but the man don’t want. At the end of the exam he know he has a question of trigonometry but its too late.
Comentary: the video that we liked more is "beauty is nothing without brains", because it is very short, funny, good thinked and the blonde isn't too inteligent. We love it!
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
He was the favourite grand son of Empress Catherine the Great, but he didn’t succeed her to the Throne. After his father’s death (Paul I), he became Tsar of All the Russias in 1801. He was proclaimed King of Poland in 1815 and he was also the first Grand Duke of Finland and Lithuania.
He ruled Russia during the chaotic period of the Napoleonic Wars. In the first part of his reign, he introduced liberal reforms, but during the second part of his reign, he became more arbitrary.
He died in 1825 in suspicious circumstances, and his brother succeeded him to the Throne as Nicolas I.
I choose him because he defended his country with braveness and intelligence against Napoleon’s invasion (later called Great Patriotic War by Russians), then, during Napoleon’s retreat; he allied Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, and some other countries and he finally marched into Paris, ending the Napoleonic period. His exploits in war inspirited Tchaikovsky’s Overture 1812, Tolstoy’s War and Peace and some other Russian productions.
A blond girl goes to the library and she asks to the librarian for fast food. The librarian says that she's in a library. She is silent and looks around (people reading), then she looks at the librarian and ask her again the same but in a low voice.
Summary 2: Mr Bean having an exam (with subtitles)
Mr Bean has an exam, and he does the exam in a room who are more people prepared to do the exam. Mr Bean sits next to a stranger, with who he speaks of the topics of the exam. The guard says that in two minutes the exam will begin, and then Mr Bean starts to put out pencils, stuffed luck, etc ...
The test begins and Mr Bean doesn’t know how to respond to questions from the green paper. He tries to copy the answers of his partner, but he can’t. After Mr Bean tries to answer the questions with his best. The guard announces that there are only two minutes to finish the exam, and he say that those who have chosen the type of exam calculations, they puts on to one side of the table, and trigonometry to the other side. Mr.Bean realizes that he has another exam that he knows, on the envelope. But he hasn’t time to do so.
The best video:
The video who most we like, is the first “Beauty is nothing without brains”. We try this video because we think is the video that we make more laugh, and this video show the ignorance of some people who they don’t know what a library is, and they don’t know how to behave, and the way that they have to act in some public’s places.
Marina Fonseca&Anna Aguareles
1r ECO B
Monday, 27 September 2010
Great videos
I have chosen Bean's exam because it's so funny when he tries to copy the exam, making silly things... I really enjoy the video when he finds the other exam.
But my favourite video is the Jesu's church, i think the black man is amazing! He's like crazy !
When he starts shouting "Hallelujah" and singin " I... is from the guetto, you.. is from the guetto..." It's really funny. He's the typical gospel's church reverend.
Enric fernadez
1eco B
Karate instructor - Jim Carrey
We like this video, because there is very interesting looking one girl, with a knive, and hurting a boy, that he knows anything about karate.
Jessica Serra & Helena Vn.
Mr Bean .

In this video, we can see Mr.Bean doing an exam. When it starts, he know anything about their exam, so he try to copy his partner. But he can't look for many time, because his partner don't want to show it. Finally, Mr Bean, know that another exam, ther is in the enveloppe, the exam, that he know !
We choose this video, because it's very funny, and when he try to copy many times, we laugh very much! Mr. Bean is really a nice actor.
Jessica Serra & Helena Vn.
Mr. Bean having a exam and Monty Python's Flying Circus - Ministry of silly walks
In the second video we can see a men that buy "The Times". He has a rare walk. This men work in the Ministry of silly walks. He analize a men that he go to have a money to desarollate her special walk.
Marc P.
Joan R.
comment niklas and ian
This video is very amusing and funny, because the actor is very expressive and very good actor. It´s also when he goes down the table to see his partner´s exam or when he blow the exam of his partner and so he can see the answers. And the best part is in the finish when the teacher said to stop writting and mr Bean continous.
In the video of Jim Carrer Karate instructor:
Jim Carrey is very amusing doing jokes, because he is a strict karate instructor and world champion, he is having classes with womens, he is explain at the women techniques for defender it. And then he wants a volunteer, for do an exercice, but the volunteer, does worse the exercice and hurts the instructor on two times. Then the instructor at the third attempt the volunteer does well the exercice and the instructor attack and he beat very hard the girl. The others women, wants to revenge of the instructor, and the women beat the instructor.
We choose this video because is very funny, because are a lot of jokes, and also is necessary to say than Jim Carrey is one of the bests actors of the world.
Monday, 7 June 2010
In this fragment of the film, we can see the scene when James Bond is poisoned when he is playing poker. When he knows, he goes to his car, gets a portable defibrillator and tries not to have a cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, he can’t make this alone, because a cable of the defibrillator is disconnected and he doesn’t have time. A girl comes and save him.
Mata Hari
This is a fragment of a film about the First War World. In the first scene we can see two soldiers who talks about execute a spy. In the second scene we can see Mata Hari in her house taking her vests and she accompanied by religious people. After this, Mata Hari is executed in the forest.
Fátima Ribeiro, 1r CB
CASINO ROYALE, Megawhat Spy Gadgets
-When James bond is playing poker in the casino, one of the direct rival to earn the money, puts in his glass of cocktail a poison to kill him. James when he realizes, he goes in his modern car to take a defibrillator for feel better and to save his health. Like he didn’t know how it worked, he called to a central for take instructions but he couldn’t realized and a girl who was in the casino saves him when he was unconscious. After that he will continue playing poker in the casino.
Megawhat Spy Gadgets: Reviews
- This video is about hidden cameras we have in the market now a days. They show as all spy gadget’s products like telephones, watches, USB, pens and many others daily objects we use usually.
Marc Pallàs Mora