Monday 31 May 2010

Sara Coma Areny
1r lingüístic

Block I: Casino Royale, the poisoning scene.

At the beginning of the scene, we can see Bond playing on a casino with others men. But, immediately, he leaves the room and he goes to the bathroom. There, he consumes a poison that makes you die. So, he starts sweating a lot, he commences to have difficulties to breathe and he’s kind of feeling dizzy. Then, he head for his car, where he has a lot of gadgets to recover himself, like an electroshock, an antidote… so, when he arrives, after some difficulties because of traffic that knock down him, he’s giving on himself an injection, the antidote. After this, he puts on his cheats a patch to connect the electroshock and try to revive his heart. But, the cable is disconnected and he can’t get an electroshock. Then, his heart is stopping to beat and his dying. But, there’s a woman who arrives in his car, and she connects the cable with the electroshock and she saves him. He’s finally save.

Block II: Opinion of gadgets
I think that this gadgets are good invents for some reasons; like you can control what’s happening in your house, your company… you can see or listen all the things that are happening when you aren’t there. There are good also because of your security, or the security of your children. You know what’s becoming without being in the place. There are fantastic invents!

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