Bloc I)
Mata Hari’s video
This video is a fragment of a film about the First War World, especially about a polemic spy called Mata Hari. The video starts with two French soldiers talking about the importance of Mata Hari’s execution. They say that this execution will be very important for the army’s moral. After that, we see a group of religious people (two priests and two nuns), going to Mata Hari’s room. She is putting her panties on. After the visit, they are all taken to a forest where she is going to be executed.
Bloc II)
Megawhat Spy Gadgets: Reviews
In our opinion, these gadgets are only interesting if you have a lot of free time, if not, we think this is not useful and a silly waste of money. But, if your job consist in spy other people, it will be useful, or maybe if your dream is become James Bond, then buy this gadgets.
Alba Vallés
Olga Frigola
Revised by Carolina Bonnin.
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